“Relationships can be similar to walking a tightrope at times, even after being together for years, the strength of a relationship is based off the efforts, intentions and honesty of those involved”.
“It is with certainty that many relationships end due to selfishness, what makes a relationship become unbalanced? It may be the inability to view the relationship through the lens of the significant other”.
In other words, if one spouse is selfish it starts to affect the relationship which might lead to instability and emotional tension. Here are some ways to know if your partner is selfish.
He/she talks about him/herself
He/she only relate to how things affect him/her personally
He/she doesn’t consider the effect of his/her actions on others
He/she only gives when he/she will get something in return
He/she does wants you to listen, give emotional support and be there for him/her at all times but is never there for you
He/she always make promises and never fulfill
He/she lacks empathy
He/she exploit, manipulate and take advantages of other people.

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